Hello everybody!!
I am very excited to tell everyone about some of the things that happened this week. First, it is getting hot. And humidity and I do not get along. Hahahah, it hasn't been too bad, but man, I'm really going to be enduring this summer!!
Anyway, this week has honestly been super rough. Probably the hardest of my mission so far. We basically had every single one the appointments we had set up fell through, no one in our area wanted to talk to us, and even everyone at church seemed really on edge this
week. But that's okay! Yes, I had a really hard time for the majority of this week, but it taught me a lot. And Heavenly Father knows that I'm trying. I'm not perfect, nowhere near it, but I'm on Heavenly Fathers team and this is His work. He knows what needs to be done. And there have been many times this week where I've felt him pushing me along and I'm so grateful for that. All week I've been studying about faith and how to strengthen my faith and I've come across a talk that I want to invite everyone to read. It's called Tasting the Light by Lynn G. Robbins. I've only just started it, but it's incredible! So far it's talked a lot about planting that seed of faith like is mentioned in Alma 32. When we have just a desire then Heavenly Father will take that desire and it will grow inside of us until we have the faith to see miracles!
I was also able to see some amazing miracles this week. For exchanges I was able to serve in Center City Philadelphia, right in the middle of the city! And the the Philadelphia temple site is located right in the center of this area. We spent all day walking around and talking to people about this magnificent building and sharing with them how sacred it is to our Heavenly Father. And I cannot express how much I have come to love the temple. I say that as a general statement as well as directed toward this specific building. Even without being dedicated, this building already radiates the spirit and I have been so blessed to be serving so close to it and to serve with those who are more than ready to receive of the blessings! A quote that I love from Neil L Anderson says "The location of a temple is not a convenient geographical decision. It comes by revelation from the Lord to His prophet, signifying a great work to be done and acknowledging the righteousness of the Saints who will treasure and care for His house through generations." Those words perfectly describe the members of the Philadelphia 1st Ward and I'm sure so many other surrounding
I'm so grateful for all of the support and prayers that you all send my way. You're all incredible and I love you so much! I just love being a missionary and am so grateful for this time to serve my Savior.
Until next week,
Sister Rachel Petrick
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